Complete solution from a single source with a long service life

We offer our cus­tomers com­plete so­lu­tions, start­ing with the se­lec­tion of suit­able processes, con­tin­u­ing with the plan­ning, man­u­fac­ture, com­ple­tion, and in­stal­la­tion of turnkey sys­tems with their as­so­ci­ated resid­ual waste­water treat­ment.

Every FKG Gal­vano sys­tem is al­ways unique, and we aim to en­sure that it runs for many years. The foun­da­tion for this is a de­sign based on many years of ex­per­tise, solid con­struc­tion, and high-qual­ity work­man­ship. When you choose a sys­tem from FKG, you al­ways can be sure you are get­ting the high­est qual­ity. The long ser­vice life of our sys­tems in op­er­a­tion is the best proof of this - many of which have been in op­er­a­tion for more than 30 years.

FKG - Specialist for the planning, construction, and maintenance of:

- Anodising systems

No matter which process our customers choose, GS, WX, GX, etc., we have the perfect solution for every task. Be it profiles or façade parts for architecture with organic or even interference colouring. We're the right partner for you.

- Hard chrome-plating systems

Conventional systems for hard chrome-plating machine parts. The systems are universally equipped for internal and external coating or with auxiliary anodes, depending on the requirements.


The systems usually consist of a row of containers for pre-treatment as well as the container equipment for hard chrome-plating and drying. The dimensioning of the system depends on the customer's workpiece sizes. The chrome area can be operated with little or no rinsing water, depending on the layer thickness.

- Reactor systems

Replacement solutions for (BK) chromic acid anodic coatings are becoming increasingly important. In the aerospace industry, this AIPI and NADCAP certified coating is already standard.


Our competence in this field is demonstrated by systems that are currently in use worldwide. Furthermore, the cyclical maintenance of these systems helps to always keep them permanently operational even during tough day-to-day operation.

- Flush ventilation systems

Replacement solutions for (BK) chromic acid anodic coatings are becoming increasingly important. In the aerospace industry, this AIPI and NADCAP certified coating is already standard.


Our competence in this field is demonstrated by systems that are currently in use worldwide. Furthermore, the cyclical maintenance of these systems helps to always keep them permanently operational even during tough day-to-day operation.

- Cleaning systems

Cleaning systems as individual systems for IBC containers, as pre-cleaning, with and without ultrasound as part of automatic systems. The FKG product range also includes stand-alone systems for parts cleaning and standard systems for special applications.

- Pickling systems

From "stands" for medical technology, elaborate pickling for "glass-metal joints" for the automotive industry to simple pre-treatment steps in manual and automatic systems. You can rely on us to implement your requirements in a practical way.

- Burnishing / phosphating systems

Regardless of the process (zinc phosphate, manganese phosphate, phosphate as an adhesive primer, etc.). We're here to provide you with the most suitable system technology. Our range of goods transport equipment includes goods carriers for individual parts with or without movement, drums as drum units or also in the form of container technology that can be latched and unlatched.


Directly or indirectly heated phosphating baths with or without continuous deslurrying. All techniques and processes are applied in our systems deployed worldwide.

- Special systems

Pre-treatment and equipment for non-destructive crack testing:


Damage to workpieces can be detected with the help of fluorescent penetrants. This requires cleaning; drying; applying penetrants; washing; drying and developing.


The processes up to the application of the developer can be fully automated.

FK Galvanotechnik GmbH

Brendstraße 9

75210 Keltern



+49 7236 9352-0


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